Curriculum Vitae

Professor Jonathan Fortney

Science Group Curriculum Vitae Models Perspective Other Worlds Lab

Curriculum Vitae

Jonathan Fortney has been a professor at UC Santa Cruz since 2008. He models many aspects of the physics of planets, from rocky worlds to gas giants. His work in planetary theory focuses both on exoplanets that orbit distant stars as well as planets in the solar system. His models have provided a framework to understand the atmospheres of exoplanets and brown dwarfs, their interior structure and thermal evolution, as well as physical processes like “helium rain” in the deep interior of Saturn. Jonathan often works closely with observers to interpret spectra of exoplanets to better understand their physics, chemistry, and clues to their formation.

Jonathan teaches a wide variety of classes across the topics of planets and stars, including large introductory classes for non-science majors, topical classes for undergraduate astrophysics majors, and small classes at the graduate level.

Brief CV

Extended CV

Phone: 831-459-1312
Twitter: @jjfplanet

Jonathan’s Full Publication List from NASA ADS

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